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Argomento: Truchia

A migrant woman presses her hand against a plastic sheet while waiting for a daily food ration at the northern Greek border point of Idomeni, Greece, Saturday, March 19, 2016. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is urging migrants in the squalid tent city at Idomeni, on the Greek-Macedonian border, to trust Greek authorities and leave for better accommodation as thousands have stayed on site after the closure of Macedonia's border, clinging to hopes the Balkan route used for months by migrants heading for central Europe will reopen.(AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)
1 aprile 2016 / Redazione

La denuncia di Amnesty International: migliaia di rimpatri forzati da Turchia verso la Siria

A migrant woman presses her hand against a plastic sheet while waiting for a daily food ration at the northern Greek border point of Idomeni, Greece, Saturday, March 19, 2016. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is urging migrants in the squalid tent city at Idomeni, on the Greek-Macedonian border, to trust Greek authorities and leave for better accommodation as thousands have stayed on site after the closure of Macedonia's border, clinging to hopes the Balkan route used for months by migrants heading for central Europe will reopen.(AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)
Le autorità turche hanno espulso illegalmente migliaia di rifugiati siriani da metà gennaio. È la denuncia di Amnesty International che pone l'accento sui rischi per i migranti quando l'accordo… Leggi